
Minutes of 8-14-07

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Minutes of 8-14-07 - FrontPage


The meeting was conducted via CCC Confer.


Present: Pamela Atkinson, Wendy Bass, Linda Delzeit, David Jordan, Paul McKenna, Bob Richards.


Absent: Eric Ichon and Richard Skidmore were on vacation.


1. The conference call began at 1:00 PM. As this was a teleconference there was no set agenda for the meeting, it was an open discussion of topics broadly related to distance education.


2. Bob Richards address the Etudes-Ng shell request and student upload process for the fall semester. He advised caution all in the use of “S” in the file description. If the “S” is used it will not include the section number. Bob does not need to be sent the section numbers at the beginning of the semester any longer, the section number file is still sent to Kanthi. Coordinators should check the status of the section uploads on the district portal. Everyone in attendance now has access to the District portal under webfocus for the file downloads.


3. Linda Delzeit addressed the issue of file uploads into Moodle. She has established a procedure with the district for the file uploads that will begin for the fall semester classes. After the files are uploaded into Moodle she send an email to the students; she is finding many students have invalid email accounts so she is working with District IT regarding the use of Google Apps for automatic email accounts. She attended a program at the Google Headquarters about Google Apps. Trade-Tech has a prepared a contract for the use of Google Apps which, if approved, will allow Trade to pilot Google Apps this fall. More information on Google Apps can be found at www.google.com/a/edu


4. Pam Atkinson discussed minimum qualifications for online faculty. City will have 220 course shells for the fall semester, many faculty are using the shells to enhance on campus classes or for blended classes.


5. Linda discussed a project sponsored by the State Chancellor’s office through the DeAnza/Foothill District, Open Education Resources. It will be part of a global project creating a repository of learning objects that faculty can use in online classes. Martha Kanter, Chancellor, is seeking external funding for the project. If interested in participating in the project contact Linda for more information.


6. David Jordan suggested that the coordinators at college that may be subject to the accreditation substantive change regulations work together to share approaches and experiences. Wendy and Linda thought this was a good idea and will follow-up with David.


Next Meeting: 9:30 AM September 25, 2007, LA City College, Teaching Learning Center


District DE Cmt Minutes, Aug 14, 07

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