District Distance Education Committee
Tuesday, September 25, 2007, 10:00 AM
Teaching/Learning Center, Franklin Hall
LA City College
1) Winter & Spring start dates, Etudes uploads, Bob Richards
2) Google appls., Linda Delzeit
3) @One Training, City College, Pam Atkinson
a) Jan 15-17
b) Blackboard, Moodle, Etudes-NG
4) At home access of ftp text files, David Jordan
5) CCCApply and registration online, David Jordan
6) Load limitations for Online teaching, David Jordan
a) see LATTC policy at: http://lamc-ddl.pbwiki.com/f/policyload.pdf
7) Demonstration of PodCasting, Linda Delzeit
8) Sharing Best Practices, all
9) Items from the floor
10) Next meeting
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