Distance Education Committee

March 1, 2007


Present:  Pamela Atkinson (City), Dr. Wendy Keer Bass (East), Kanthi Edirisinghe (District), Victor Flores (District), Eric Ichon (West), David Jordan (Mission), Mark Lampert (Valley), Jim Martini (Valley), Paul McKenna (ITV), ), Kerrin McMahan (East), Robert Ponek (District) and Robert Richards (Harbor)


NG Site Creation and Parser Procedures


Eric Ichon reviewed the current procedures. 


Starting this summer District IT agreed to provide us with access to a file with all site title information for ALL sections.  This will enable us to extract the information we need for specific courses without having to request this information from Kanthi.  Bob Richards will work on a pilot with District IT.


Long term we agreed that we need to work with District IT to enable us to include email addresses and User IDs in the file.  We hope to do this by Winter or Spring 2008.


To prepare for this we all need to create Excel lists of online instructors including employee names, email addresses, ID numbers and User IDs.  Submit this information to Pamela Atkinson who will begin to create a database.


We may need web focus training to learn how to download files using the report function to access daily student rosters.  


We agree to meet at the District Office on April 12th from 10 a.m. – noon to discuss all this further.




David Jordan invited us all to attend a Web Accessibility Workshop on LAVC and reminded us that the High Tech Center Training Unit has technical assistance teams that will provide on-campus training workshops and review your online classes for accessibility.


What Academic Deans need to know about NG/DE


1.)    Course shells can not be created unless an instructor is listed in DEC, no shells for classes with “Staff”


2.)    You can’t split a course after the semester has started


3.)    Using a separate section number range for online and hybrid classes will make it easier to use the District IT provided file to extract the necessary information to request course shells


4.)    Academic Affairs needs to set “flag” for distance education classes


5.)    How to arrange access to their online classes for accreditation team visits.


Kerrin noted that we may be asked to do a report to the Council of Academic Affairs regarding the possible need for substantive chance documents for accreditation


Noticed Motion


The following noticed motion was passed unanimously.


“Whereas the District Distance Education Committee includes Distance Learning Coordinators from each campus some of whom are administrators or classified staff any member can be elected to serve as co-chair of the Committee.”


Chair Election


Dr. Paul McKenna was unanimously elected as Committee co-chair.


NG Mac Issues


FoxIT (http:www.foxitsoftware.com/) is a PDF reader that may help Mac users with file download.